India Travel Information

Passport and Visa:

All travelers to India must have a valid signed passport that remains valid for at least six months beyond the completion of their trip. Citizens of all countries need visas to visit India. There are no exceptions. Additionally, if you are visiting a restricted area – Sikkim, Andaman, and Nicobar Islands, etc., the visa must include permission to visit these places. Please check with your Travel Agent if your trip includes visits to restricted areas.

If your trip includes a visit to Nepal, Bhutan, or Sri Lanka and requires you to return to India to take your international flight home, you would have to apply for a double/multiple entry Indian visa.

Every traveler must arrive on tour with the proper documentation. While LPI Travels will advise you of our current information regarding passports and visas, please be aware that is the traveler’s responsibility to obtain all correct documentation before arrival in India.

Arrival and Custom Information:

Please be advised that regulations at most international points of arrival do not permit passengers to be met inside secured passenger areas (such as the immigration and customs areas). The LPI Travels representative will meet you on arrival immediately after you have passed through the passenger areas.


Security in Indian airports is very stringent and all hand baggage is x-rayed and sometimes physically searched before boarding flights. Domestic airlines do not permit any dry cell batteries, sharp implements, and inflammable items to be carried in cabin baggage. Therefore please ensure that camera batteries, scissors, razors, etc. are packed in your checked baggage.

There are several different sets of baggage allowance regulations in effect for international and regional flights. Baggage allowance varies depending on the type of aircraft and class service. You should check the exact baggage regulations for your specific itinerary with either your travel agent.

Any baggage over airline limitations may be subject to excess baggage charges. These charges are the responsibility of the traveler.

Every piece of checked baggage should be locked and contain identification both inside and well as outside. In addition do not pack valuable items, such as cameras and jewelry in checked baggage. While every precaution will be taken with your baggage, LPI Travels cannot be held responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen baggage or personal property and we strongly recommend the purchase of adequate baggage insurance by each traveler.

Departure Tax Information:

Indian departure taxes are now always included in the purchase price of international airline tickets. In the event the departure tax has not been included in the purchase price of your ticket, it must be paid at the airport before departure in local currency.

If you are traveling to Nepal from India then a departure tax of Rs 150 has to be paid before checking in. Please check the exact amount for the tax, as these are liable to change at short notice.

Health Information:

Discuss health requirements for your travel itinerary with a qualified health professional at least six weeks before departure. In addition, a good source of health information is the U.S Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, which operates a 24-hour recorded international travelers’ information Line. Information is also available from your local public health department.

Yellow Fever:

If you are arriving from a country where yellow fever is endemic (Africa except South Africa and most parts of South America) you are required to have yellow fever vaccination which must be taken at least ten days before you arrive in the country. If your trip requires you to take the vaccination, you must ask your doctor to provide you with an “International Certificate of Vaccination” which should be carried with you at all times. If proof of vaccination is required and you do not have it, entrance into the country will be denied.


It is recommended that you take anti-malarial medication especially if visiting India during July to September in Northern India, and November and December in Southern India. However, please consult the CDC or your physician regarding preferred drugs and dosage.

In addition to anti-malarial medication, personal protection measures such as wearing long sleeves and long pants should be taken to avoid mosquito bites, especially between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. These measures include using an insect repellent containing 20% to 35% of the active ingredient “DEET”.

It is also recommended that all international travelers ensure that their tetanus, Hepatitis A, and polio vaccines are up-to-date.

Since health requirements can change at very short notice, you must check with a qualified health professional for the most current information concerning your travel itinerary and personal health history. It is also suggested that you carry a traveler’s medical kit appropriate to your destination, length of trip, and general health. Your physician can advise you on specific items to include (such as remedies for minor stomach ailments, dehydration, and motion sickness). You should include an adequate supply of any prescription medication you may require while traveling.

If you do have any known food restrictions, allergies medical conditions, or physical disabilities, that need special care, you should ensure that your travel agent and TBi are made aware of these. A copy of your health insurance should be available with your travel agent.


Although India has primarily a tropical climate, the weather varies widely all over the subcontinent. There are roughly eight climatic zones, with the monsoons coming to different parts of the country at different times.

North and Central India:

Generally, the plains of North India have three distinct seasons. November to March: Winter with daily highs of 20 degrees Celsius and evening lows of 5


April to July: Summer when it is hot and dry with daily highs of up to 40 degrees and Evening lows of 30 degrees Celsius in the evening. July to September: The monsoon season which brings relief from the heat but also brings high


October: Autumn when the weather is pleasant with daily highs of 25 degrees and Evening lows of 18 degrees Celsius

South and Western India:

Southern and Western India does not have a “cool season”. The summer is hot and humid with the rains coming in June and continuing through September. Southern India also has winter rains from November onwards, although they are not as heavy as the monsoon rains. From October onwards, the weather becomes pleasant with highs around 30 degrees Celsius and lows of around 25 degrees with minimal humidity.

Snow is usually found from January through to March, only in the foothills of the Himalayas and higher reaches.

Clothing and Accessories:

While traveling in India it is best to dress in layers, as even in winter the sun tends to be very hot. During the winter months in North India, especially from the end of November onwards, you will require sweaters, sweatshirts, and a heavy jacket. While sightseeing it is best to dress in layers as the day gets warmer as the sun rises. It is advisable to also carry cotton clothing and other lightweight materials of natural “breathable” fabric. Comfortable walking shoes are essential.

Skirts, long shorts, and slacks are acceptable in India for women. When visiting temples it is advisable to wear either skirts or slacks. Although the dress code at restaurants is relaxed and formal dress is not necessary, you may want to pack one formal set of clothing for the trip. Sunglasses, a sun hat, and sunblock are recommended. If you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, we recommend that you bring an extra pair of glasses as well as a copy of the prescription. While visiting monuments you might have to take off your shoes, we recommend you keep an extra pair of socks in your handbag for the purpose.

You should carry along an adequate supply of any prescribed medication you may require while traveling. Prescription medicines should always be carried in your hand luggage, in the original, labeled containers.


Laundry service is available at most hotels. Please do remember to check the individual laundry return policy and pricing schedule. Please be sure to only request laundry service when you are in one location for a sufficient length of time to ensure that your laundry is returned to you before you depart.


The electrical current in India is 220 volts. If you are traveling with electrical appliances bring along an international converter kit complete with a set of adapter plugs. These are available from better electrical and hardware stores in the U.S. and Canada.

It is suggested that you take battery-operated appliances wherever possible and a supply of extra batteries.

Email and Faxes:

Most of the hotels used by LPI Travels will have local and international dialing facilities available from the phone in your room. Most chain hotels also have in-house facilities for sending faxes and emails. One can also find small ISD/STD pay phone booths in the busy market areas of virtually every city in India. Cyber cafes have also mushroomed in all major city marketplaces, as well as in many smaller towns.

Food and Drink:

Most hotels used by TBi serve a variety of international cuisine, with some of them having an excellent reputation for fine dining. When traveling in some of the smaller cities, choices may be restricted, and sometimes it is advisable to stay with local cuisine rather than requesting European menus, though these can be arranged. Food in all hotels is safe and hygienically stored and cooked; however, it is suggested that in the smaller towns and cities, you avoid raw pre-peeled fruit vegetables, and yogurt.

Tap water in India is not safe to drink and we strongly recommend that you always drink bottled water. Bottled water is available in all hotels and always kept in the transport arranged by TBi. When buying bottled water, always ensure that the bottle is sealed when you receive it. Additionally, you will find a wide range of soft drinks, beer coffee, and tea, which are all safe to drink. A word of caution: Imported alcoholic beverages are expensive in comparison to Indian alcoholic beverages. While traveling in India at any time of the year, it is important to keep yourself well-hydrated.


Currency of over $2500 being brought into the country must be declared at customs on arrival. The Indian currency is called the “Rupee” and the coins are known as “paisa”. 100 paisa makes 1 Rupee Coins are issued in denominations of one, two, five, and ten. Paper notes are issued in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500 Rupees Your currency exchange receipts must be saved as you may be asked to produce them upon your departure from India, or if you need to reconvert rupees into foreign currency upon departure. We suggest that money is only exchanged at authorized dealers banks and hotel desks. Generally, all cities, large and small, have facilities to change money. Please be aware that most game parks and reserves don’t have currency exchange facilities.

Major credit cards and traveler’s checks are generally accepted at all hotels and stores and all major cities and most small towns have ATMs


India is a shopper’s delight, and the range of items is astonishing. Do not purchase antiques, carpets, or jewelry unless you are sure of what you are buying. Price is not always an indication of value and authenticity. Bargaining is very much part of the Indian shopping experience especially when shopping in local markets. You should be aware that unless it is a government emporium where prices are fixed, you would always be quoted prices much higher than the value of the goods.

Always take time to read the charge slips for credit card purchases before you sign them. You should know that for any purchase returned against a credit card payment, refunds could take up to six months to process.

For purchases, which are, being hand carried all sales receipts must be retained with you to produce for customs on arrival at your destination.


We recommend that you bring all photographic equipment with you including an ample supply of film. International brands of film are widely available, though the quality cannot be guaranteed.

When photographing people, always ask permission and offer a small fee for taking their picture. Your tour guide or escort will advise you. The exception is when taking a general picture of crowds and scenes. Photography at airports is strictly forbidden. Valuables, Safety, and Travel Insurance.

Exercise the same safety precautions throughout your travels as you would at home. Avoid walking around at night and keep all valuables in the hotel locker as far as possible. It is important to keep photocopies of your passport and other travel documents handy.


Tipping in India is not compulsory but generally expected. The amount is determined by your satisfaction with the services provided. The welcome letter given to you on arrival gives you guidelines about the amount to give should you wish to leave a tip.


There is only one time zone in India which is GMT+ 5:30. When the United States is operating under Standard Time, it is nine and half hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Before departure for India, you will be given a complete list of contact numbers including telephone, fax, and email addresses to assist you in the event you must be contacted while traveling. The information will also include after-office contact numbers of all LPI Travels personnel. Additionally, you can be reached via the TBi office here in New Delhi.


English is widely understood and sometimes spoken, if not correctly, definitely passably. Your guide or escort will assist you in communicating with people who don’t speak English at all.

India Trip FAQ

What is the best time to travel to India?

The diverse topography of India comprises mountains, beaches, and deserts. The large size of the country also blesses it with different climatic conditions, which means that, while some places in India may have the mercury rising in the summers, there are some, where the weather is cool and pleasant. Therefore, the best time to travel to India depends on the places a tourist would like to visit in the country. However, it is also safe to say that the winter season (October – March) is mostly preferred by tourists while visiting India.

For wildlife sightings, both summer (March-mid June) and winter seasons are favorable. While the winter season is best for sighting animals basking in the sun during the daytime, summer is the time when they can be seen frequently paying a visit to the water holes.

What about food? Will my food preferences be considered during Tour??

Indian gourmet is considered to be one of the finest and elaborative cuisines in the world. Be prepared to be fed well and sumptuously on the Tour. Famous world over for spices and curries, the Indian food serving can be molded according to the tourist’s taste-buds. Be sure to specify us about your food requirements and LPI Travels will happily serve you the best of Indian recipes on platter. If you are following a special diet, we will be happily pre-alerting the hotels to serve you accordingly.

Why should we choose your company?

We are one of the leading Tour Operators in India, recognized by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.  Our company is a proud member of National Travel Trade Associations like IATO and IATA. These bodies strive for the growth of Indian tourism industry and quality services to our visitors.

Our post-tour accounts of many satisfied tourists can be followed in our website’s column ‘Client’s Feedback’ which will give you a brief idea about our services and repertoire.

I do not know English, how to deal with it while traveling to India?

While English is spoken and understood by a large number of people in India, it isn’t an absolute necessity. Instead, focus on learning some Hindi words that come in use in daily life. You can also book a tour with LPI Travels which offers tour guides who are proficient in different languages and can be mediators between you and other people you encounter in the country.

Can I book only the accommodation or only the transport since I am coming on business??

Of course, you can do so. If you need hotel and car for a particular duration, we can provide you many options for booking accordingly and will be more than happy to get back to you, once we are provided with relevant details.

Where should I go for the first time India trip?

First-timers can’t go wrong with the Golden Triangle, which travels around Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur and takes in incredible monuments such as the Taj Mahal and Amber Fort in a week-long trip; it’s the perfect introduction to the country.

How can I create a custom made itinerary for my trip?

There are many convenient and powerful ways where you can create a custom tour for yourself.

Please fill in the Contact form specifying your needs and expectations. Your idea and our expertise together can create a unique tailor-made itinerary exclusively designed for you.

Do I need a visa to go to India?

All nationals, except nationals from Bhutan, Nepal and Maldives need a valid visa to enter in India. Maldives National need an Indian visa only when stay in India is longer than 90 days and Nepali nationals only require it, if they are entering India from china.

Are payments through credit cards accepted widely in India?

Yes, in all major cities and towns in India, credit card payments are accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops. Visa and Master Cards are widely accepted around the country, while some places also accept American Express, besides other types of cards.

What kind of clothes do I need to carry while travelling to India?

Two things to keep in mind while packing for India are:

  1. Season : Since India experiences hot summers (in most of the parts) and chilly winters, travellers should pack according to the month they are planning a visit in. If the trip is planned in the months between March and September, carrying light woolens (in the hills) and cotton clothes (in other areas) will be enough. On the other hand, if the trip is scheduled between October and February, carrying heavy woollens for North India and light woollens for South India is advisable.
  2. Special Interest Tour : If you have booked your tour for trekking in India or wildlife safari or any other specific activity, then the clothing has to be carried accordingly. For wildlife safari, camouflage clothing, or clothes of green and brown shades are recommended. For trekking, clothing varies according to the place, altitude, season and difficulty grade. Though carrying clothes for layering; a down jacket; a good pair or trekking shoes; a sun hat; a woollen cap, muffler; socks; and a pair of gloves are required.
Is India a safe place to travel with kids?

Yes, it is safe to travel to India with kids. While you can travel with kids almost anywhere in the country, there are some places that make it for better family travel destinations, with their good hotels, plenty of activities for kids, clean air, and safer environs.

How will I be travelling on Indian roads?

You will be travelling in private air-conditioned vehicles with varied capacities. For your group travel needs, we are well geared with 8-9 Seater Tempo Travellers, 15-18 Seater Mini Coaches and 40 Seater Large Coaches to ascertain that you don’t compromise on a road trip to India. For long distance tours within India, you can choose to travel by air as well as comfortable trains.

What currency I shall carry while travelling to India?

India’s currency is the Indian Rupees; it is advisable to exchange your currency at the airport or any foreign currency exchange before traveling to India. Digital payment is quite popular in India. India Rupees have denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and below.  

Do I need to take any medical precautions before going on a tour to India?

The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for India: Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.

While most of the vaccines mentioned are optional and depend upon the country you are visiting from and your personal health status, it is recommended to get Hepatitis A and typhoid vaccinations along with Cholera, Hepatitis B, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, and Yellow Fever as a precaution.

Is internet easily available in India?

Yes, the internet is easily available in India. All the major cities and towns, hotels, restaurants, and cafes in popular destinations in India offer free Wi-Fi to their guests.

How many days are enough for India trip?

Most people spend 7 to 14 days in India. For first timers, this almost invariably includes the classic route visiting Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur (India’s “golden triangle”), which usually takes about 7 days.

Indian Visa FAQ

Can I get an Indian Visa on arrival?

The Visa on Arrival facility is only for the nationals of Japan, South Korea, and UAE (only for such UAE nationals who had earlier obtained an e-Visa or regular/paper visa for India).

Who is eligible for an e visa?

The following are the eligibility conditions for availing e-Visa services:

I. Nationals of countries listed on the e-Visa website are eligible to apply for e-Visa Services.

II. Foreigners whose sole objective for visiting India is:

  • Recreation and sightseeing
  • Casual visit to meet friends and relatives
  • Attending short term yoga programme or short term courses on local languages, music, dance, arts & crafts, cooking, medicine etc. which should not be a formal or structured course/programme
    (courses not exceeding 6 months duration and not issuing a qualifying certificate/diploma etc. to the participants)
  • Voluntary work of short duration (for a maximum period of one month, which do not involve any monetary payment or consideration of any kind in return)
  • Medical treatment, including treatment under Indian systems of medicine
  • As attendant to e-Medical visa holder
  • Business purpose
  • Attending a conference/ seminar/ workshop.

III. Passport should have at least six months validity at the time of making application for grant of e-Visa and a re-entry permit, if that is required under the law of the country of nationality of the applicant.
The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer.

IV. The foreigner should have return ticket or onward journey ticket, with sufficient money to spend during his/her stay in India.

V. Foreigners of Pakistani origin or having Pakistani Passport are not eligible for e-Visa. Foreigners who are not Pakistani nationals, but whose parents or grandparents (either paternal or maternal) was born in, or was permanently resident in Pakistan, are also not eligible for e-Visa. They may apply for regular Visa at Indian Mission.

VI. Not available to Diplomatic/Official Passport Holders or Laissez-passer/ international travel document holders.

VII. Not available to individuals endorsed on Parent’s/Spouse’s Passport i.e. each individual should have a separate passport.

How do I get an Indian visa?

You can either apply for E-visa or you need to apply for it through the nearest Indian consulate/embassy in your country.

Indian Visa Portal

What is the validity of an Indian E - visa?

The validity of e-Visa would be according to the e-Visa service you have requested in the application form as –

For e-Tourist Visa (01 year / 05 years), the validity would be 365 days / 05 years from the date of grant of ETA with Multiple entries and continuous stay during each visit which shall not exceed 90 days except nationals of USA, UK, Canada and Japan. In case of nationals of USA, UK, Canada and Japan, continuous stay during each visit shall not exceed 180 days.

For e-Tourist Visa (30 days), the validity would be 30 days from the date of your first arrival in India. Double entries will be granted within the e-Visa validity period stamped on your Passport. Your first arrival must be between the date of issue and expiry of ETA.

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